MACR Missing Air Crew Reports

Links to RG92 M1380 Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR). These reports relate the fate of missing in action crews. They also give all details on corresponding missions.

Most links redirect to a cloud server. You do not have to create an account to get the files. However, if you do wish to create an account, click here.

Each download has ca. 1,000 pages.

Finding Aid to MACR

1-35, 36-57, 58-79, 80-100, 101-127, 128-157, 158-200, 201-232, 233-259, 260-284, 285-300

301-316, 317-341, 342-367, 368-400, 401-430, 431-450, 451-475, 476-500, 501-221, 522-545, 546-564, 565-582, 582-600

601-624, 625-642, 643-664, 665-700, 701-734, 735-754, 755-779, 780-800, 801-819, 820-836, 837-852, 853-871, 872-900

901-920, 921-940, 941-964, 965-979, 980-999, 1000-1017, 1018-1037, 1038-1060, 1061-1080, 1081-1099, 1100-1116, 1118-1139, 1140-1154, 1155-1176, 1177-1199

1301-1326, 1327-1343, 1344-1359, 1360-1380, 1381-1399, 1400-1419, 1420-1435, 1436-1458, 1459-1479, 1480-1499

1500-1516, 1517-1536, 1537-1561, 1562-1583, 1584-1599, 1600-1626, 1627-1645, 1646-1675, 1676-1699, 1700-1722, 1723-1741, 1742-1762, 1763-1799

1800-1817, 1818-1841, 1842-1856, 1857-1874, 1875-1888, 1889-1899, 1900-1919, 1920-1934, 1935-1949, 1950-1970, 1971-1987, 1988-1999, 2000-2043, 2044-2063, 2064-2099

2100-2116, 2117-2139, 2140-2163, 2164-2179, 2180-2199, 2200-2228, 2229-2255, 2256-2282, 2283-2299, 2300-2318, 2318-2334, 2335-2363, 2364-2383, 2384-2399

2400-2432, 2432-2450, 2451-2476, 2477-2499, 2500-2514, 2515-2531, 2532-2553, 2554-2574, 2575-2599, 2600-2616, 2617-2631, 2632-2648, 2649-2669, 2670-2685, 2686-2699

2700-2721, 2722-2741, 2742-2756, 2757-2781, 2782-2799, 2800-2818, 2819-2837, 2838-2862, 2863-2882, 2883-2899, 2900-2924, 2925-2946, 2947-2971, 2972-2999

3001-3020, 3021-3048, 3049-3069, 3070-3088, 3089-3099, 3100-3116, 3117-3150, 3151-3173, 3174-3199, 3200-3222, 3223-3243, 3244-3260, 3261-3278, 3279-3299

3300-3328, 3329-3357, 3358-3383, 3384-3399, 3400-3424, 3425-3438, 3439-3454, 3455-3474, 3475-3499, 3500-3517, 3518-3547, 3548-3576, 3577-3599

3601-3624, 3625-3647, 3648-3673, 3674-3699, 3700-3718, 3719-3736, 3737-3758, 3759-3785, 3786-3800, 3800-3817, 3818-3837, 3838-3863, 3864-3899

3900-3920, 3921-3937, 3938-3956, 3957-3977, 3978-3999, 4000-4021, 4022-4056, 4057-4082, 4083-4099, 4100-4122, 4123-4142, 4143-4165, 4166-4182, 4183-4199

4200-4241, 4242-4261, 4262-4299, 4300-4315, 4316-4337, 4338-4372, 4373-4399, 4400-4423, 4424-4441, 4442-4467, 4468-4499

4500-4526, 4527-4550, 4551-4574, 4575-4599, 4600-4632, 4633-4662, 4663-4699, 4700-4729, 4730-4760, 4761-4788, 4789-4799,

4800-4833, 4834-4856, 4887-4899, 4900-4930, 4931-4960, 4961-4999, 5000-5029, 5030-5063, 5064-5100

5101-5135, 5136-5167, 5168-5199, 5200-5228, 5229-5262, 5263-5299, 5300-5333, 5334-5399, 5400-5424, 5425-5457, 5458-5486, 5487-5499

5500-5529, 5530-5561, 5562-5599, 5600-5641, 5642-5686, 5687-5727, 5728-5771, 5772-5820, 5821-5900


  1. I am a handicapped 80 year old Veteran . My favorite way to pass time is researching ww2 Pilots and air crews.
    I am researching B-17 42-31401 ” Old Hickory” looking for MACR# 4151 .
    Can you help me access your records?

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