Links to theater level maps. Most links redirect to a cloud server. You do not have to create an account to get the files. However, if you do wish to create an account, click here.
Allies, North-West Europe 1944-45: SHAEF OB maps
Allies, 12th Army Group: 44-06, 44-07, 44-08, 44-09, 44-10, 44-11, 44-12
45-01, 45-02, 45-03, 45-04, 45-05
German, Lage West, including secondary maps:
44-06, 44-06 ObWest, 44-07, 44-08 1, 44-8 2, 44-09, 44-10,
44-11, 44-12, 45-01, 45-02, 45-03
German, Lage Nordafrika:
42-01 to 42-11, 42-12, 43-01, 43-02, 43-03, 43-04, 43-05
German, Lage Ost:
41-06, 41-07, 41-08, 41-09, 41-10, 41-11, 41-12
42-01 N, 42-01 S, 42-02 N, 42-02 S, 42-03 N, 42-03 S
42-04 N, 42-04 S, 42-05 N, 42-05 S, 42-06 N, 42-06 S
42-07 N, 42-07 S, 42-08 N, 42-08 S, 42-09 N, 42-09 S
42-10 N, 42-10 S, 42-11 N, 42-11 S, 42-12 N, 42-12 S
43-01, 43-02, 43-03, 43-04, 43-05, 43-06
43-07, 43-08, 43-09, 43-10, 43-11, 43-12
German, Lage Margarethe (Hungary)
German Lage Weichsel: 45-01, 45-02, 45-03, 45-04
German Misc maps (Fall Blau, Kharkov 42-05, Yugoslavia 44-01)
What is the provenance of the German maps?
This is truly awesome stuff, much appreciated.
However, when it comes to Lage Ost for 1944, there’s not a single map available for this crucial year.
I’m particularly interested in January-May 1944 period in the southern sector of the Ostfront. Are these available?
All what’s available is on the site.
Hello, there are better-quality maps on the website of the Library of Congress from 1941. 06. 21.-1941. 12. 06.
FYI, the “43-05” link under Lage Nord Afrika links incorrectly to “12 AG 44-06.” Can you please fix and provide the correct link to 43-05? Thanks in advance!
German Documents in Russia seem to have all of the Lage Ost maps, including 1944. Their maps do have a watermark of their website.
Correction…almost all of them. The maps stop near the end of 1944.
44-06 OB West is 42-06 OB West
Some December maps are mixed into 42-08 S of the Lage Ost
Can you point me to a source OKH/OKW situation maps for Fall Gelb, France May-June 1940?
Sorry for my Fall Gelb question Isee the maps in the 1939-1940-1942 files.
Thanks to Miguel for the link to the German Documents in russia link. Lots of stuff there and the 1944 maps definitely fill in the missing map sets. However, I cannot seem to find a way to a high resolution image of those maps. Can anyone provide some guidance on this? Thnaks.